Blackburn Joins Bill to Strip Federal Funding from ‘Anarchist Jurisdictions’


Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has added her name to a bill that would prevent federal funding from going to cities with “violent anarchist jurisdictions.”

The bill, carried by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), defines an anarchist jurisdiction as a city or state that abdicates its constitutional duty to its citizens to uphold the rule of law, or fails to provide police, fire, or emergency medical services to its residents, according to Blackburn’s office.

The Ending Taxpayer Funding of Anarchy Act would restrict federal funding from going to anarchist jurisdictions “until they do their duty and ensure the rule of law prevails.”

“Anarchist jurisdictions – like sanctuary cities – encourage lawlessness and mob rule at the expense of law-abiding citizens. Cities that do not act to quell the anarchy we are seeing in places like Seattle’s CHAZ should not receive the same federal funding as cooperative cities that abide by the rule of law,” Blackburn said in a statement.

Like Blackburn, Ernst pointed to Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, also known as CHAZ, as an example of something that would disqualify cities from receiving federal funds under her bill.

“We would strip away the federal funding that goes to those cities,” Ernst told Fox News. “So we think it is the right thing to do. We certainly don’t want to enable those areas. If they truly want to be autonomous, then they can exist on their own.”

The bill has received the support of a number of Republican senators, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), and Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA).

McConnell said he supports the bill because “the rule of law cannot fade in and out with the fashions of the radical left.”

“The inexplicable passivity and weakness of local leaders in our own country has denied some citizens peace and security. If left-wing politicians would rather bow to the Twitter mobs and politically-correct thought police than do their jobs, then federal taxpayers should rethink how they subsidize that kind of leadership. I’m proud to join Senator Ernst and our colleagues in introducing this legislation to ensure the mob will never be allowed to overtake our communities,” he said.

Ernst said support for the bill is growing since her colleagues “know this is the right thing to do.”

“Enough of the anarchy; law and order must be restored on our streets,” she said in a press release. “Local officials are letting chaos continue, and in some cases, preventing law enforcement from protecting the public. If these leaders fail to do their job and protect their citizens, the federal government – American taxpayers – aren’t going to pay for it.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “George Floyd Protests” by Lorie Shaull. CC BY-SA 2.0.








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3 Thoughts to “Blackburn Joins Bill to Strip Federal Funding from ‘Anarchist Jurisdictions’”

  1. Absolutely stop funding them! But don’t stop there. Charges of Insurrection and felony charges for deliberately,with malice not defending their Citizens/US Citizens. and pursue charges of malicious and unlawful prosecution, of Elected Officials including District Attorneys and others prosecuting, illegally, Citizens defending themselves from the Rioters and Insurrectionists and allowing and protecting these criminals from entering or surrounding private property of Home Owners and Businesses, and Citizens in vehicles on roadways, threateening them with violene and death andacutally committing those crimes.

  2. Dee Hochman

    At least we have people sense and are using the constitution. That was bizarre to have happened in.Minn!

  3. Karen Kirkpatrick

    It’s about time the silent majority stopped being silent. Well done! That is a wonderful way to help quell this insanity. Of course you know the Democrats aren’t going to go along with it.
